Sunday, June 6, 2010

Spring time, finally!

Well, yup it's been a while. But never fear I have returned!! And with lots to say, and lots of photos. I was having a hard time with just typing out everything that was happening, and got the idea of just having a picture blog. Good idea eh? Fits me well because I LOVE taking pictures, and a picture is worth a 1000 words. So I just might go overboard on this whole thing, but I hope you guys enjoy it. How many of you out there read this anyway? I sometimes wonder. . . Well, let us start with . . . (this is proving to be a difficult process for the computer, -computer choking noises in background-.)

Honey's eggs hatched!!!!! Or shall I say egg, we sadly lost 5, but this lucky little handsome/cute chicky is doing so well. Getting stubborn too. We aren't sure of the gender, any guesses?? I know that's a hard picture to see, but you could just take a wild guess, and then if your right, you get.... Bragging rights!! haha. I haven't named it yet, shall we name it Charlie, that's a name that could go both ways right? Boy, girl? I'd say so, but when I mentioned that before my grandma gave me a weird look. I think it was because I was in the whole, "Charlie bit my finger" . . . oh never mind.

Momma is cookin' those eggs still! You know how I had said she was sitting on 6? Not anymore! A couple days ago when I was gathering the eggs I peaked under her - only 5 eggs. I couldn't find the other and was starting to worry I had lost my mind and taken one, but don't worry I hadn't. The next afternoon I peaked under her again, and only 3 this time.. Now I was really confused! I finally figured out that she had rolled them out of the chicken coop, and the others had eaten them. I took one(that she had thrown out) though, and cracked it open to see if they where dead, and perhaps she knew it, or if she was the one going crazy. Turns out she wasn't, there was an embryo inside, but WAY to small to hatch in just one week - it had died and I think she knew so out went those eggs. So that must mean there are three live chicks right? Lets hope so, I'll keep you updated!

This little chica feels left out, she's become broody as well and is driving me crazy. I thought it would be cool to let her sit on one of her own eggs(because her breed is so rare) so it would be a Blue Red laced wyandotte crossed with a Wellsummer, or something along those lines. So we did. Just one though. It wasn't long before she was out of that nest and in the next, she wouldn't stay on her egg! So it got cold, and that was her last chance -sigh-

My girl is doing so well!! I couldn't be more proud of her, today my grandma and I where wondering if we got the wrong horse. ;) She was acting so different, so well behaved. In this picture I was preparing to jump all over her. She was tolerating this so well, she allowed me to jump up on her and place all my weight on her back. Yay!!! And look how pretty she is, check out her beautiful quarter horse butt(for those of you who don't know, quarter horses have big butts.. or are supposed to I guess.), haha. I can't wait to start riding her!

Garden(the garden is up through that gate, cool huh?) time! My grandma finally got the chance to plant her garden this week. :] I helped plant the onions, and peppers. I can't wait to scarf down a yummy salad fresh from the garden this summer. Complete with lettuce, candy onions, cherry tomatoes.. Mmmm my mouth is already watering. She didn't get around to planting one thing, the beets. Weirdly enough, I started craving beets after she said that. I want the canned beets though, the sweet ones that turn everything purple.. Or is this something else? I should attack the fruit room and find some from previous years.

Well folks, that's all for today! Hope you guys enjoyed, talk to you soon..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sleep anyone?

What a day! Today started early, way to early in my opinion. Jack's award ceremony for school started at 8:30A.M but we had to be there at 8. The ceremony went great, Jack got a fun award for how far he has come this year!! He finished 70 books, twenty more then the rest of the class. Good JOB! The rest of the day went by quickly. My grandma and I saddled Indy(5th time. . I think) she did well but still is not ready to began riding. She is so reactive we have to be really patient with her - I'm hoping once nicer weather starts up we'll make better progress. Speaking of the weather, will it ever be nice???? Can someone please tell me there is hope, I'm begging you. Today was better then most the other days, I will give you that, but still! It's almost JUNE and I'm still wearing a sweatshirt with a light jacket over the top. Crazy!! The weather did give me a big enough break to mow the jungle, erm I mean lawn. haha

CHICKS SHOULD SOON BE HATCHING!! Eeppp I'm so excited. I've been waiting forever(Welllll 21 days Sunday but who's counting??). Honey(we call the mommy Honey ;]) is being such a good momma. I really just hope she doesn't give up before they start hatching. Yes we have had hens do that, they gave up and there chicks died because they got cold. . She is sitting on 6 eggs, I'll keep you guys updated on her. We also have another hen sitting on 6 eggs, we decided to call her Momma - it seemed to fit her well. She's a first timer so is being slightly stupid at the moment. And yes, I will admit I've been having conversations with her trying very hard to explain that she has to sit on ALL of the eggs for this to work. Not to mention she's decided she'll be doing it on the ground, Honey is smart enough to hatch her brood in a nesting box. Momma has moved her eggs I don't know how many time - I believe she has finally stopped moving them. I think this is going to be a very LONG wait for her eggs, I just hope they hatch -crosses fingers- . Oh and the ducks!! We have the cutest baby wood ducks swimming, or rather running around on the pond. They are adorable! So tiny too, and not to mention outgoing. They always seem to be scattered around, watch out for the heron little ones!!

Well everyone, that is about all I can handle. My eyes are ready to close for the night. I hope you all have a great day tomorrow(or today depending on when you read this. ;)). I don't think I'll have the time to post everyday, but I will be sure and try my best to post every other day - or whenever something worth while happens. You all are in my prayers! Please keep me in yours as well, I have been missing my family, friends, and church so much today. BUT I'm still having a great time, I'll be okay I know the summer will go by quicker then I want it too. :/ Love you all!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

So it begins . .

"Our houses are protected by the good Lord and a gun
Way Out Here"

So finally I have been convinced to start a blog. I'm excited to begin telling you about my summer here in Oregon. First off, I'll tell you the story behind my blog name. "Way Out Here" is a title of a song by, Josh Thompson. It's country of course(while you follow my summer you'll notice how much I enjoy country music.) a bit of the song is at the beginning of this post. I feel this song describes where I live perfectly. :] Minus the chewing, smoking part, so please ignore that. To fully understand I think y'all should listen to the song if you ever get the chance. So, enough about that, I'll tell you a bit about me before going on. My name is Ellie, I am the oldest of a family of 7, I love my family. I have the best parents ever, who have allowed and trusted me to stay in Oregon for the Summer. I am so thankful for that. I live in a strong Christian family. We are blessed with an amazing church in Utah. Though I may live in Utah, my heart is and always will be here in Oregon. A few more things about me that you should know is that I am a crazy animal lover - most of you already know this. Horses are the things that grab my attention most, I have recently bought my first horse Indy who I'm training myself(With some help of my grandma) this summer. . I also have Lexie, a mare my grandma bought a year ago, she is such a joy to ride, I couldn't love her more! Next would come the dogs, OH HOW I LOVE DOGS! ;) As a family we have three - but as a person, I only have one. She is a lab crossed with a golden retriever - I picked her out of a litter of 9 when she was only days old. The only girl dog with 4 white feet and a little star on her head. I could go on and on about all the things I love, but I'll spare you that. I pretty much love every animal that breaths, minus a few that just creep me out, like Monkeys and Sloths -shivers- I can stand some monkeys, but not a whole lot.

And so it begins, I have started my story. I hope y'all enjoy reading through out the summer, I'm looking forward to filling you guys in on my life - and giving you the option to read it, other then forcing you to listen all about my day even if you don't care. What I'm hoping to do is share my life with everyone who is stuck in the city(or perhaps not) Way Out Here. :]